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Rose Report

Together SF (the 501c3) commissioned a report from Claremont McKenna's Rose Institute to diagnose the dysfunction of SF's government. The report came out in August.

Additional Press Coverage: 

  • S.F. Mayor Breed might be given more power by voters. Here’s why San Francisco Chronicle

    • TogetherSF CEO Kanishka Cheng expressed hope that Mandelman might increase the scope of his proposals, though she didn’t specify how.

      “San Francisco desperately needs reforms to our systems of governance to deliver a city that better works for all of us,” Cheng said in a statement to the Chronicle. “While we appreciate Supervisor Mandelman’s proposed reform initiative, we believe that it needs to go much further. San Francisco is facing a litany of challenges and now is the time to be bold in the changes we make, so that we can provide far better outcomes than the status quo.”

  • San Francisco Lawmaker Floats Plan To Bolster Power of Mayor’s Office SF Standard

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