San Francisco faces many significant challenges–chronic homelessness, concerns about public safety, a lack of affordable housing, and a struggling downtown. Addressing these concerns requires an effective, consistent response from our City Hall. But San Francisco’s dysfunctional government structure limits our ability to address this crisis.
TogetherSF Action is sponsoring Prop D to reform the city government to help it address its current and future challenges and empower voters to hold their elected and city officials accountable.
Prop D was researched and crafted in partnership with one of the leading good governance institutes in the United States, the non-partisan Rose Institute of State and Local Government. Prop D’s drafting also included input from neighborhood associations, organized labor, business associations, and former and current City officials..
TogetherSF Action is a civic engagement and advocacy organization equipping residents with the knowledge and tools they need to build a stronger and safer San Francisco. TogetherSF Action has the largest network of civically-engaged residents, comprising more than 100,000 residents.
TogetherSF Action’s sister organization, TogetherSF, previously commissioned the Rose Institute to produce the report, “Re-Assessing San Francisco’s Government Design,” which was released in 2023 and forms the intellectual foundation for Prop D. Read the complete report here.